How to land 4x more Job Interviews with ChatGPT

Discover ChatGPT's 6 expert tips to outshine the competition and boost your job search succes

1. Resume review:

ChatGPT can review your resume and provide feedback to make it more effective

Prompt “Review this resume and give 10 compelling feedback points”, paste the content of your resume below it

Ask ChatGPT to “Rewrite the resume to make it more compelling”

2. Tailor your resume:

ChatGPT can analyze job descriptions and keywords that are commonly used by employers

Prompt “Highlight 5 most important responsibilities and keywords from the jd”, paste JD

Prompt “Rewrite the resume as per the highlighted responsibilities and keywords”

3. Stand out with an impressive LinkedIn summary:

ChatGPT can write effective summary based on your resume and help you 4x your daily profile views

Prompt “Generate a 300 words summary highlighting the most compelling parts of the resume”, paste resume

4. Personalized Cover letters:

ChatGPT can help you carve out a personalized cover letter as well

Prompt "Write a cover letter for this <Job role> at <company>" and paste job description and your resume below it

5. Personalized cold emails:

ChatGPT can help you draft personalized emails to potential hiring managers and recruiters

Prompt “Draft a personalized email for this <Job role> at <company> highlighting how I am perfect fit for the role” and paste job description and your resume

6. Conduct mock interviews:

ChatGPT can help you practice for interviews

Prompt “Consider yourself as <role> head of <company> and conduct a mock interview for a <role>”

Ask it to review your answer; incorporate the feedback in the real interview and get that dream job 🚀